

v. 是(be 的第二人称单复数现在式)

n. 公亩

n. (Are)人名;(意、西、芬)阿雷


1. We Are the Champions:我们是冠军;我们是斗士;冠军之歌;皇后乐队

2. You Are My Sunshine:你是我的命运;你是我的太阳;范晓萱

3. here you are:给你这个;还给胡子;还给你

4. Diamonds Are Forever:永远的钻石;金刚钻;铁金刚勇破钻石党;之金刚钻

5. who are you:你是谁;网上有缘;谁;隐藏人物

6. You Are Love:你是爱;爱你;你的爱;播放你是爱

7. how are you:你好

8. as they are:其实;实际上;事实上;照现在的样子

9. are you sure:你肯定吗;你确定要…

10. who are you:你是谁

11. chances are:有可能

12. we are one:我们是一体;我们在一起

13. we are ready:《我们准备好了》(北京奥运会一周年倒计时主题歌)

14. where are you going:你去哪儿;你到哪里去

15. here you are:给你

16. wherever you are:无论你在哪儿;无论你身在何处

17. how are you doing:你还好吗

18. where are you from:你从哪里来

19. are you here:你在这里吗

20. are you kidding:你在开玩笑吧

21. where are you now:你现在哪里

22. how are you:你好

23. as they are:其实;实际上;事实上;照现在的样子

24. are you sure:你肯定吗;你确定要…

25. who are you:你是谁

26. chances are:有可能

27. we are one:我们是一体;我们在一起

28. we are ready:《我们准备好了》(北京奥运会一周年倒计时主题歌)

29. where are you going:你去哪儿;你到哪里去

30. here you are:给你

31. wherever you are:无论你在哪儿;无论你身在何处

32. how are you doing:你还好吗

33. where are you from:你从哪里来

34. are you here:你在这里吗

35. are you kidding:你在开玩笑吧

36. where are you now:你现在哪里


These are the people who are helping us.



No, those are Ellie's kids. Ours are upstairs.



Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional.





  • autarchyn. 专制,独裁;专制国家
  • atlasn. 地图册;第一颈椎,寰椎;(希腊式建筑中支撑柱楣的)男像柱(复数atlantes)
  • astropologist人类学家
  • assignedadj. 指定的;已分配的 v. 分配(assign 的过去分词);指定;委派
  • artisann. 工匠,技工
  • arithn. 数学;算术 adj. 算术的
  • arenan. 竞技场,圆形剧场;斗争场所,活动舞台 【名】 (Arena)(英)阿里纳,(意、西、葡、德)阿雷纳(人名)
  • apprenticeshipn. 学徒期;学徒身份
  • apprenticen. 学徒,徒弟;生手,新手 v. 收……为学徒;当学徒
  • anthropologyn. 人类学


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