
venture e on

venture e on网络翻译


... venture e capital 风险资本 venture e on 冒险 venture e upon 冒险从事 ...

venture e on双语例句

The joint venture will benefit from both Daimler AG's expertise in electric vehicle architecture and BYD's firm grasp on battery technology and e-drive systems.


The wait-and-see strategy (S1): The E can wait and see if she can find an interested venture capitalist before spending much time and effort on the project.

该观望策略(一) :电子商务可以拭目以待,如果她能找到一个有兴趣的风险资本家,然后才动用很多时间和精力上项目。

The accounting year of a joint venture shall coincide with the calendar year, i. e. from January 1 to December 31 on the Gregorian calendar.



  • ventriloquistn. 腹语术者;口技艺人
  • vacancyn. 空缺,空职;(旅馆等的)空房,空间;无知,空虚;空隙,空处
  • overheadsn. 企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用(overhead 的复数)
  • outgoingsn. [会计]支出;开支(outgoing 的复数形式)
  • examinern. 考官,主考人;审查人,检查人
  • equitationn. 骑马;骑术
  • equestriann. 马术;骑手;骑马者 adj. 马的;骑马的;骑术的
  • entertainmentsn. 休闲娱乐;娱乐设施(entertainment 的复数)
  • emigrationn. 移居外国,迁移出境;移民
  • economistn. 经济学家
  • ecclesiasticaladj. 教会的;牧师的;神职的
  • vigorn. [生物]活力,精力 n. (Vigor)人名;(英、法)维戈尔
  • overhaulv. 彻底检修,全面改造;全面改革(制度或方法);(尤指在体育竞赛中)赶上,超过 n. 大修,彻底检修;(制度或方法的)全面改革
  • obstacle to对……的障碍
  • entrance to……的入口

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