
satellite TV station

satellite TV station网络翻译


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satellite TV station常用短语

1. Regional Satellite TV Station:区域卫视

2. satellite TV receiving station:卫星电视接收站

3. satellite TV ground receiving station:卫星电视地面接收站

4. satellite tv earth station:卫星电视地面站

5. satellite e TV receiving station:卫星电视接收站

6. satellite tv broadcast earth station:卫星广播电视地球站

satellite TV station双语例句

Fated to Love was broadcast in advance in Hunan Satellite TV Station.


She has been invited to to appear on various TV shows and was recently asked by Anhui Satellite TV station to be a guest host for a popular show.


Once found mainly on the Internet, the genre took off when a time-travel drama series scored record ratings when shown on the popular Hunan Satellite TV station earlier this year.



  • tutun. (法)芭蕾舞短裙;新西兰马桑 n. (Tutu)人名;(罗、南非)图图
  • tumblern. 不倒翁(玩具);杂技演员;翻筋斗者;一杯的容量;滚筒;平底玻璃杯
  • trimestern. 三个月;一学期
  • trigonometryn. 三角学
  • trapezen. 秋千;吊架
  • transportingv. 运输;使产生身临其境的感觉;流放(transport 的现在分词)
  • trampolinen. 蹦床(一种体育器械),弹簧垫 v. 在蹦床上弹跳
  • tracern. [核]示踪物;追踪者;描图者;(铁笔等)绘图工具 n. (Tracer)人名;(英)特雷瑟
  • tombolan. (英)一种彩券 n. (Tombola)人名;(意)通博拉
  • to pass an examination
  • tights紧身裤袜
  • tiern. (高度各不相同的)一层,一排;(机构或系统的)层次,等级;(衣服的)一层褶裥(或荷叶边) v. 层叠,层层排列;成递升排列 【名】 (Tier)(英)蒂尔(人名)
  • telecommunicationsn. 电信,电讯
  • teachersn. 教师(teacher 的复数形式)
  • taxationn. 征税,税制;税款

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