
nominal exchange rate


nominal exchange rate网络翻译


...体间价格比较需要采用相同或可比指标,常用的是实际汇率(real ex-change rates),而不是常见的名义汇率(nominal exchange rates)。币值偏离(或称错位、失调)指实际汇率偏离了均衡值,如低估即实际值小于均衡水平,这是提出升值建议的基础。


名目和实质有效汇率指数 Nominal and real effective exchange rate indexes 名目汇率 Nominal exchange rate 名目所得 nominal income ..


...场均衡 图1.4外汇市场均衡的变化(国内干扰因素)图1.5外汇市场均衡的变化(国外干扰因素) ¾名目汇率nominal exchange rate):A bilateral exchange rate that is unadjusted for changes in the two nations’price levels. 例如:US$1=NT$34.50。

nominal exchange rate常用短语

1. rmb s nominal exchange rate:人民币名义汇率

2. Equilibrium of Nominal Exchange Rate:名义汇率均衡

3. nominal rate of exchange:[金融] 名义汇率

4. Nominal Effective Exchange Rate Index:名义有效汇率指数

5. Nominal versus Real Exchange Rate:名义与实际汇率

6. Nominal Bilateral Exchange Rate:名义双边汇率

nominal exchange rate双语例句

In recent years, RMB's nominal exchange rate deviates obviously the equilibrium exchange rate, and international shouts to revalue RMB are more and more high.


If they should decide to reduce the current account surplus, should they allow faster appreciation of the nominal exchange rate or overheating and faster inflation?


The answer seems simple: save less and let the nominal exchange rate appreciate faster, to eliminate possible inflationary consequences of such a policy shift.



  • ruggern. 英式橄榄球
  • ringsn. 吊环(ring 的复数) n. (Rings)人名;(德)林斯
  • ridingn. 骑马(运动);英格兰约克郡原三个行政区之一(Riding);(加拿大的)选区;(尤指林间的)马道 adj. 骑乘(用)的,骑术(用)的;<美>乘骑操作的 v. 骑(马、摩托车、自行车等);搭乘(公共汽车、火车或电梯等);乘坐(游乐园里的娱乐设施)(ride 的现在分词) 【名】 (Riding)(美、英、加)赖丁(人名)
  • retrainingn. 再训练 v. 再训练,再接受培训;教授新技术(retrain 的现在分词形式)
  • reorientationn. 再定位
  • remunerationn. 酬金,薪水,报酬;赔偿,补偿
  • rehabilitationn. 康复,复原;(权利、名誉的)恢复;修复,翻新
  • redundancyn. <英> (因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇;多余,累赘;复置装置,冗余(机器、系统等某部件发生故障后的替代装置)
  • rectorn. 校长;院长;教区牧师 n. (Rector)人名;(英)雷克托
  • recordsn. 记录,录音;唱片,档案(record 的复数) v. 记录,记载(record 的第三人称单数)
  • racingn. 赛马;竞赛 vi. 赛马(race 的 ing 形式);竞赛 adj. 比赛的
  • newsstandn. 报摊;杂志摊
  • newscastern. 新闻播音员;新闻播报员;新闻广播员
  • newsagentn. 报刊经销商
  • nauticaladj. 航海的,海上的;船员的

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