
nominal data


nominal data网络翻译


... nominal power标称功率 nominal data名目数据;标定数据 nominal size公称尺寸;毛尺寸;标称尺寸 ...

nominal data常用短语

1. paired nominal-scale data:配对计数资料

2. non-nominal grid data:数值格网数据

3. Nominal network data rate:名义网络数据速率

nominal data双语例句

But a close look at the data suggests that the problem was mostly caused by extremely rapid nominal GDP growth, which actually tended to slow during energy shock periods like 1974 and 1980.


Remember, however, that many Web data streams can be represented in terms of nominal count data and that the inferential techniques I discuss will allow you to go beyond reporting simple count data.

但是请记住,许多 Web 数据流都可以用定类计数数据表示,而我讨论的推论技术将使您能做比报告简单的计数数据更多的事情。

Because ZFS never overwrites data but instead writes to a new location, older data can be preserved (but in the nominal case is marked for removal to converse disk space).



  • newsstandn. 报摊;杂志摊
  • newscastern. 新闻播音员;新闻播报员;新闻广播员
  • newsagentn. 报刊经销商
  • nauticaladj. 航海的,海上的;船员的
  • druggistn. 药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)
  • dressmakern. 裁缝
  • doldrumsn. 忧郁;赤道无风带
  • dodgemsn. 碰碰车(dodgem 的复数)
  • dismissaln. 开除,解雇;不予考虑,摒弃;驳回,不予受理;打发走,遣散;出局
  • discothequen. 迪斯科舞厅
  • diplomacyn. 外交,外交技巧;(处理人际关系的)手腕,策略
  • developingadj. (国家)发展中的;正在生长的,正在发展的 v. (使)成长,发展;研制,研发;形成(观点)(develop 的现在分词)
  • noteworthyadj. 值得注意的,显著的
  • negligentadj. 疏忽的,玩忽职守的,失职的;<文>放松的,随便的,不拘谨的
  • narratev. 讲(故事),叙述;给(电影、广播或音乐等)配解说词

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