
inquiry unit


inquiry unit网络翻译


... inquiry unit 询问装置 remote inquiry unit 远程询问器 Go Unit Inquiry 去单位询问 ...

[计] 查询装置

... inquiry typewriter 询问打字机 inquiry unit 查询装置 inquiry 查询 ...

[计] 询问设备

... 询问绕组 interrogation winding 询问设备 inquiry unit 询问说明符 inquiry specifier ...

inquiry unit常用短语

1. Unit 3 Inquiry and Offer:第3单元

2. Go Unit Inquiry:去单位询问

3. Unit of Inquiry:探究单元

4. Unit Four Inquiry:询盘

5. inquiry display terminal unit:[计] 询问显示终端装置

6. unit-load thorough inquiry:单元探究式

inquiry unit双语例句

The invention also discloses a character input processing device which comprises a receiving unit, a probability computing unit, a word frequency inquiry unit and a weighing computation unit.


But now, as the Web and DVRs uproot the way people consume television, and thus rip apart the industry’s business model, the unit is adding advertiser research as a fresh focus of intense inquiry.

但现在,随着网络和数字视频录像机从根本上替代电视消费方式,传媒业的商业模式被撕得粉碎。 迪斯尼媒体网络公司增加了广告商研究,并将广告商研究作为密集调查中的新关注点。

Specifies the time that the unit waits between Status Inquiry messages.



  • underemploymentn. [劳经] 不充分就业;未按专长就业
  • underdevelopmentn. 不发达;[摄] 显影不足
  • underdevelopedadj. (国家或地区)不发达的,经济落后的;发育不全的;(胶卷)显影不足的 v. (使)发展不完全;(使)显影不足(underdevelop 的过去式和过去分词)
  • investorn. 投资者,投资机构
  • inkwelln. 墨水池
  • illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
  • illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
  • innovatev. 革新,创新
  • in large quantities大量地
  • in accordance按照;与……一致
  • usurern. 高利贷者;贷款人
  • unfundedadj. 无基金的;(债务)短期的;无基金退休金计划的
  • underwritern. 承保人,保险商(尤指船只);核保人(对投保项目进行风险评估并决定保险费率)
  • under-insurance低额保险 不足额保险
  • under-depreciation

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