
hard disk drive failure


A hard disk drive failure occurs when a hard disk drive malfunctions and the stored information cannot be accessed with a properly configured computer. A disk failure may occur in the course of normal operation, or due to an external factor such as exposure to fire or water or high magnetic fields, or suffering a sharp impact or environmental contamination, which can lead to a head crash.

hard disk drive failure网络翻译


(3) 当光驱中的光盘不用时,请将光盘取出、hard disk drive failure硬盘故障)4、hard disk drive sailure(硬盘参数故障)5、missing operating ststem(硬盘主引导区被破坏)6、non s..


HDD Hard Disk Drive 硬盘驱动器 ; 硬碟机 ; 硬盘 ; 硬盘机 Hard disk drive failure 加载硬盘失败 ; 硬盘故障 Winchester hard disk drive 温彻斯特硬盘机 ; 温彻斯特硬盘 ..


... Keyboard interface error 键盘交心过错 Hard disk drive failure 添载软盘得成 Hard disk not present 硬盘不存在 ...


... Keyboard intece error 键盘交心错误 Hard disk drive failure 加载硬盘失利 Hard disk not present 硬盘不具有 ...

hard disk drive failure常用短语

1. hard disk drive read failure:硬盘驱动器读取失效

2. Hard-disk drive controller failure:硬盘驱动器控制器故障

3. Hard-disk drive controller failure 0:硬盘驱动器控制器故障

4. Hard-disk k drive read failure:硬盘驱动器读取出现故障

hard disk drive failure双语例句

A head crash in a fixed hard disk generally destroys the data, whereas the failure of a tape drive or optical disk drive often leaves the data cartridge unharmed.



  • holidaysadv. 每逢假日,在假日 v. 度假(holiday 的单三形式) n. 假日(holiday 的复数形式)
  • headmistressn. 女校长
  • handicraftsn. 手工艺(handicraft 的复数);手工艺品
  • futurologistn. 未来学家
  • funambulistn. 走绳索的杂技演员
  • freelanceadj. 特约的,自由职业(者)的 adv. 以自由职业者身份 n. 自由职业者;<史>中世纪的雇佣兵 v. 做特约工作,从事自由职业
  • formann. 工头 n. (Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼
  • foremann. 领班;陪审团主席 n. (Foreman)人名;(英、西)福尔曼
  • flyern. 传单;飞鸟;飞行物;飞跳;孤注一掷 n. (Flyer)人名;(英)弗莱尔
  • floristn. 花商,种花人;花店
  • fliern. 飞行员;快车;飞行物;(美)广告传单 n. (Flier)人名;(德)弗利尔;(英)弗莱尔
  • fiscalityn. 财政政策;财政考虑
  • fireworksn. 烟火(firework 的复数形式);激烈争论
  • fakirn. (伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者(伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者;骗子 n. (Fakir)人名;(阿拉伯、土)法基尔
  • fairgroundn. 露天市场;举行赛会的场所;游乐场

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