
free-space field


free-space field网络翻译


... free-space field 自由空间场 free-space field strength 自由空间电界强度 free space field intensity 自由空间电场强度 ...

free-space field常用短语

1. field free space:无场空间

2. field-free space:[地物] 无磁场空间 ; 无场空间

3. field-free magnetic space:零磁空间

4. magnetic field-free space:零磁空间

5. magnetic field free space:零磁空间

6. field free space environment:无力场空间环境

free-space field双语例句

In the end, the propagation of cylindrical wave in free space, and the hollow cylinder scattering characteristics in near field and far field is completed when it is initiated by cylindrical wave.


Method of calculations for electron beam comtours including the effect of space charge was derived from the field free of space charge.


Photonic band gap (PBG) structures have been shown to have a density of states (DOS) of emission field different from that of free-space vacuum field.



  • futurologistn. 未来学家
  • funambulistn. 走绳索的杂技演员
  • freelanceadj. 特约的,自由职业(者)的 adv. 以自由职业者身份 n. 自由职业者;<史>中世纪的雇佣兵 v. 做特约工作,从事自由职业
  • formann. 工头 n. (Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼
  • foremann. 领班;陪审团主席 n. (Foreman)人名;(英、西)福尔曼
  • flyern. 传单;飞鸟;飞行物;飞跳;孤注一掷 n. (Flyer)人名;(英)弗莱尔
  • floristn. 花商,种花人;花店
  • fliern. 飞行员;快车;飞行物;(美)广告传单 n. (Flier)人名;(德)弗利尔;(英)弗莱尔
  • fiscalityn. 财政政策;财政考虑
  • fireworksn. 烟火(firework 的复数形式);激烈争论
  • fakirn. (伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者(伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者;骗子 n. (Fakir)人名;(阿拉伯、土)法基尔
  • fairgroundn. 露天市场;举行赛会的场所;游乐场
  • futuresn. 期货;未来,前途(future 的复数形式)
  • fundsn. [会计]资金,现金(fund 的复数);基金 v. 资助(fund 的三单形式);提供资金
  • freight-out运出运费 销货运费

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