
diverse from

diverse from网络翻译

... critical of 对...感到不满,对...表示谴责 diverse from ...不一样 due to 因为,由于;应归于 ...


... diverse forms 多种形式 diverse from 不同的; 和...不一样 diverse methods 多种不同方法 ...


... distinct from 与...不同 diverse from 和...不一样 doubtful about/of 对...怀疑 ...

diverse from常用短语

1. Queers from Diverse Cultures:有朋自友邦来

2. people from diverse backgrounds:有不同背景的人

3. Diverse One From Another:各有中不同

4. people from diverse cultures:不同文化背景的人

5. are from diverse backgrounds:来自不同的背景

6. come from diverse backgrounds:多种多样的

diverse from双语例句

The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning.


And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten Kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three Kings.


Thus he said, the fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.



  • futurologistn. 未来学家
  • funambulistn. 走绳索的杂技演员
  • freelanceadj. 特约的,自由职业(者)的 adv. 以自由职业者身份 n. 自由职业者;<史>中世纪的雇佣兵 v. 做特约工作,从事自由职业
  • formann. 工头 n. (Forman)人名;(英、捷、法、匈)福曼
  • foremann. 领班;陪审团主席 n. (Foreman)人名;(英、西)福尔曼
  • flyern. 传单;飞鸟;飞行物;飞跳;孤注一掷 n. (Flyer)人名;(英)弗莱尔
  • floristn. 花商,种花人;花店
  • fliern. 飞行员;快车;飞行物;(美)广告传单 n. (Flier)人名;(德)弗利尔;(英)弗莱尔
  • fiscalityn. 财政政策;财政考虑
  • fireworksn. 烟火(firework 的复数形式);激烈争论
  • fakirn. (伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者(伊斯兰教或印度教的)托钵僧,苦行者;骗子 n. (Fakir)人名;(阿拉伯、土)法基尔
  • fairgroundn. 露天市场;举行赛会的场所;游乐场
  • druggistn. 药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)
  • dressmakern. 裁缝
  • doldrumsn. 忧郁;赤道无风带

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