
balance at beginning of year

balance at beginning of year网络翻译


... beginning balance/opening balance 期初余额 less: beginning balance of cash 减现金的期初余额 balance at beginning of year 年初数 ...

balance at beginning of year双语例句

In addition, changes to accounting rules at the beginning of next year will require Banks to move a large volume of securitized assets back onto their balance sheets.


The increased amount of equity capital is the balance between the "equity capital" entries of the indebtedness statements at the beginning or the year and the end of the year.


Parents of new students, scheduled to start at the beginning of the school year but who have decided to withdraw, will forfeit the equivalent of Term 1's fee. Any balance remaining will be refunded.



  • overheadsn. 企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用(overhead 的复数)
  • outgoingsn. [会计]支出;开支(outgoing 的复数形式)
  • botanistn. 植物学家
  • borrowern. 借款人,借方
  • bootblackn. 擦鞋童;以擦皮鞋为业的人
  • book keepingn. 记帐,簿记
  • blacklegn. 骗子;罢工破坏者;[兽医] 黑腿病
  • biron. 圆珠笔的一种 vt. 用圆珠笔写 n. (Biro)人名;(意、葡、罗、塞、土、几、瑞典、英)比罗
  • beauticiann. 美容师
  • beadlen. 游行领队;教区执事;小吏 n. (Beadle)人名;(英)比德尔
  • bazarn. 市场;集市;义卖市场(等于 bazaar) n. (Bazar)人名;(英)巴扎;(西)巴萨尔;(俄、葡、法)巴扎尔
  • barracksn. 兵营,营房;(一片)简陋的大房子 v. 喝倒彩,起哄;为(士兵)提供营房(barrack 的第三人称单数形式)
  • banknoten. 钞票,纸币
  • bankingn. 银行业;银行业务;银行家的职业;筑堤 v. 把钱存入银行;做银行家;在……边筑堤(bank 的现在分词)
  • bangern. 鞭炮,爆竹;香肠;破旧车

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