
aggregate amount

[ˈæɡrɪɡət əˈmaʊnt]


aggregate amount网络翻译

[会计] 总金额

... aggregate 5AgrIgeIt n. 合计,总计,集合体; a. 合计的,集合的,聚合的; v. 聚集,集合,合计 aggregate amount 总金额 aggregate demand 总需求 ...


aggregate amount 总价/金额; 总金额; 总款额;总额..

aggregate amount常用短语

1. recycled aggregate amount:再生骨料掺入量

2. allowable aggregate amount:准列的总金额

3. aggregate amount of l:信用状总额

4. aggregate amount of lcc:信用证限额

5. Aggregate Amount of L C:信用证限额

6. aggregate amount and structure:总量与结构

aggregate amount双语例句

For an amount/a such not exceeding total of …/up to an aggregate amount of …


The aggregate amount of capital contributions made in currency by all the shareholders shall not be less than 30 percent of the registered capital, in the case of a limited liability company.


The aggregate workloads used up a similar amount of CPU (by definition of the test) but the user counts are different because of the specifics of the individual user activity.



  • autarchyn. 专制,独裁;专制国家
  • atlasn. 地图册;第一颈椎,寰椎;(希腊式建筑中支撑柱楣的)男像柱(复数atlantes)
  • astropologist人类学家
  • assignedadj. 指定的;已分配的 v. 分配(assign 的过去分词);指定;委派
  • artisann. 工匠,技工
  • arithn. 数学;算术 adj. 算术的
  • arenan. 竞技场,圆形剧场;斗争场所,活动舞台 【名】 (Arena)(英)阿里纳,(意、西、葡、德)阿雷纳(人名)
  • apprenticeshipn. 学徒期;学徒身份
  • apprenticen. 学徒,徒弟;生手,新手 v. 收……为学徒;当学徒
  • anthropologyn. 人类学
  • anatomyn. 解剖学;(动植物的)组成结构,解剖构造;人体;剖析,详细分析;原因,成因;骨骼
  • amphitheatren. 圆形剧场;阶梯教室(等于 amphitheater)
  • amphitheatern. 竞技场;[建] 圆形露天剧场;古罗马剧场
  • aerialistn. 高空杂技演员;空中飞贼
  • advertisingn. 广告活动,广告业;(总称)广告 v. 登广告;公布,征聘;宣扬(advertise 的现在分词形式)

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