
a great number of order

a great number of order网络翻译


... A Great Number Of Disciples 莘莘学子 a great number of tourists 许多观光者 a great number of order 大量订单 ...

a great number of order双语例句

As we have a great number of orders coming in all the time, in order to execute them smoothly, we suggest that you place your orders as soon as possible.


In order to ascertain the high efficiency working area, it needs to draw its work character figure, traditionally, it must have a great number of testing data.


There are a great number of crimes of impairment to the order of company and business administration in our country, however only few of them have been punished.



  • overheadsn. 企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用(overhead 的复数)
  • outgoingsn. [会计]支出;开支(outgoing 的复数形式)
  • newsstandn. 报摊;杂志摊
  • newscastern. 新闻播音员;新闻播报员;新闻广播员
  • newsagentn. 报刊经销商
  • nauticaladj. 航海的,海上的;船员的
  • guildn. (由工作、目标或兴趣相同的人组成的)协会;(中世纪的)行会,同业公会;(生态)共位群,功能群 【名】 (Guild)(英)吉尔德(人名)
  • geologistn. 地质学家,地质学者
  • gamblingn. 赌博;投机,冒险 v. 赌博;投机,冒险(gamble 的现在分词) 【名】 (Gambling)(英)甘布林(人名)
  • autarchyn. 专制,独裁;专制国家
  • atlasn. 地图册;第一颈椎,寰椎;(希腊式建筑中支撑柱楣的)男像柱(复数atlantes)
  • astropologist人类学家
  • assignedadj. 指定的;已分配的 v. 分配(assign 的过去分词);指定;委派
  • artisann. 工匠,技工
  • arithn. 数学;算术 adj. 算术的

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