
Yes I do I was

Yes I do I was网络翻译


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Yes I do I was双语例句

Yes, life expectancy was lower in 1973, but some of that was smoking, and I don't smoke. So where do I sign up for the time machine?


Another donor explains why he was driven to leave something behind: "I am gay so I cannot do it naturally and yes, I know it is a bit weird to come out to your child before it is born."

另外一位捐赠者解释留言的原因时说:“我是同性恋,无法自然地做这件事情。 是的,我知道在孩子没出生前和他们表白感觉有点怪异。”

And she said, 'Yes, I would like to do it, because one day I would like to tell my grandchildren I was in the movie.'



  • workforcen. (国家或地区的)劳动力,劳动人口;(某组织或公司的)全体员工,全体从业人员
  • walkern. 步行者;散步者;参加竞走者 n. (Walker)人名;(德、西、芬、瑞典)瓦尔克;(英)沃克
  • investorn. 投资者,投资机构
  • inkwelln. 墨水池
  • illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
  • illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
  • druggistn. 药剂师;药商;(美)药房老板(兼营化妆品、文具、牙膏、漱口剂、香烟等杂货的)
  • dressmakern. 裁缝
  • doldrumsn. 忧郁;赤道无风带
  • dodgemsn. 碰碰车(dodgem 的复数)
  • dismissaln. 开除,解雇;不予考虑,摒弃;驳回,不予受理;打发走,遣散;出局
  • discothequen. 迪斯科舞厅
  • diplomacyn. 外交,外交技巧;(处理人际关系的)手腕,策略
  • developingadj. (国家)发展中的;正在生长的,正在发展的 v. (使)成长,发展;研制,研发;形成(观点)(develop 的现在分词)
  • innovatev. 革新,创新

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