
One Major Focus

One Major Focus网络翻译


In the "very perfect", the Fan Bingbing plays a big star WANG Jing-jing Zhang Ziyi plays Sufi and is one of "irreconcilable," the rival, and she were the first co-operation, naturally become the "very perfect" one major focus.

One Major Focus双语例句

One major focus of his visit: funding.


The hotel, a member of Orient Express, has always had a major food focus and its cooking school is one of the best in Italy.


When I describe CI to technologists that haven't used the practice yet, I tend to focus on one of its major benefits: a decrease in the time between when a defect is introduced and when it is fixed.



  • overheadsn. 企业的日常管理费用;杂项开支;一般费用(overhead 的复数)
  • outgoingsn. [会计]支出;开支(outgoing 的复数形式)
  • mythologyn. 神话,神话故事;错误的信念,谬误;神话学
  • municipalityn. 市政当局;自治市
  • mountebankn. 江湖郎中,骗子 vi. 行骗;走江湖卖假药
  • milkmann. 牛奶商;送奶工人;挤奶员工 n. (Milkman)人名;(英)米尔克曼
  • midgetn. 侏儒;(非正式)矮子,小东西;(修饰语)少年(业余运动)的 adj. 极小的,小型的 n. (Midget)(美、加、澳)密德杰特(人名)
  • metropolisn. (国或地区的)首都,首府;大都会,大城市;教会省份的首领;殖民地的起源城市或国家 【名】 (Metropolis)(英)梅特罗波利斯(人名)
  • meteorologyn. 气象状态,气象学
  • merry go round旋转木马
  • maturityn. (思想行为、作品等)成熟;发育成熟,长大成人;到期;(债券等)偿还期;(保险单、证券等)有固定到期日的票据
  • matriculationn. 入学考试;大学入学许可;录取入学
  • mathematiciann. 数学家 善作数字计算的人
  • marketingn. 促销,营销 v. 推销,促销;出售;做买卖(market 的现在分词形式)
  • manifestationn. 表现,显现;表现形式;(鬼魂或神灵)出现,显灵;示威运动

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