
Latin American Literature


Latin American literature consists of the oral and written literature of Latin America in several languages, particularly in Spanish, Portuguese, and indigenous languages of the Americas as well as literature of the United States written in the Spanish language. It rose to particular prominence globally during the second half of the 20th century, largely due to the international success of the style known as magical realism.

Latin American Literature网络翻译


... ✦ Japanese Literature(日本文学) ✦ Latin American Literature拉美文学) ✦ Romantic Literature(浪漫主义文学) ...

Latin American Literature双语例句

Generally, the students who concentrate on Latin American literature find themselves researching in the history section a lot.


After that, a lot of Latin American literature merely aped European models.


Alejo Carpentier, the most important writer in the 20th century of Cuba, was a key figure of the modern Latin American Literature along with Jorge Luis Borges, Garcia Marquez and Vargas Llosa.



  • lockoutn. 闭厂,停工
  • linguisticsn. 语言学
  • linguistn. 精通外国语言的人;语言学家
  • leotardn. 紧身连衣裤(杂技和舞蹈演员等穿的)
  • laborern. 劳动者;工人
  • autarchyn. 专制,独裁;专制国家
  • atlasn. 地图册;第一颈椎,寰椎;(希腊式建筑中支撑柱楣的)男像柱(复数atlantes)
  • astropologist人类学家
  • assignedadj. 指定的;已分配的 v. 分配(assign 的过去分词);指定;委派
  • artisann. 工匠,技工
  • arithn. 数学;算术 adj. 算术的
  • arenan. 竞技场,圆形剧场;斗争场所,活动舞台 【名】 (Arena)(英)阿里纳,(意、西、葡、德)阿雷纳(人名)
  • apprenticeshipn. 学徒期;学徒身份
  • apprenticen. 学徒,徒弟;生手,新手 v. 收……为学徒;当学徒
  • anthropologyn. 人类学

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