
Inside Baghdad's Green Zone

Inside Baghdad's Green Zone双语例句

"We take guards with us with Kalashnikovs, but the most difficult part is the road between [the capital] Baghdad to the marsh," said Alwash. "Once I'm inside the marshes it's relatively safe."


An American soldier killed five other troops inside a psychological counseling center in Baghdad on Monday, the bloodiest case of military fratricide since the start of the Iraq war six years ago.


And that's because at the end of May, a British consultant and his four British bodyguards were seized by gunmen from inside the Finance Ministry in Baghdad.



  • investorn. 投资者,投资机构
  • inkwelln. 墨水池
  • illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
  • illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
  • guildn. (由工作、目标或兴趣相同的人组成的)协会;(中世纪的)行会,同业公会;(生态)共位群,功能群 【名】 (Guild)(英)吉尔德(人名)
  • geologistn. 地质学家,地质学者
  • gamblingn. 赌博;投机,冒险 v. 赌博;投机,冒险(gamble 的现在分词) 【名】 (Gambling)(英)甘布林(人名)
  • innovatev. 革新,创新
  • in large quantities大量地
  • in accordance按照;与……一致
  • irsabbr. 美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)
  • irrabbr. 内部收益率(Internal Rate of Return);伊朗里亚尔(伊朗货币符号,Iranian Rial);红外线(Infrared Rays)
  • ioun. 借据(等于 I owe you)
  • interpolationn. 插入;篡改;填写;插值
  • institute of internal auditors内部审计师协会

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