
But I believe in you

But I believe in you网络翻译


... I Believe in You Reprise 我相信你重复 But I believe in you 只因为我相信你 And I believe in you 我相信你 ...

But I believe in you双语例句

I myself have some friendly disagreements with Frank about many of these topics, but I always learn something important from him in our exchanges, and I believe you will, too.


But I believe your opinion of him would in general astonish — and perhaps you would not express it quite so strongly anywhere else.


But whether you are drowning in bills or have more money than you need I believe how you live is a choice.



  • investorn. 投资者,投资机构
  • inkwelln. 墨水池
  • illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
  • illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
  • botanistn. 植物学家
  • borrowern. 借款人,借方
  • bootblackn. 擦鞋童;以擦皮鞋为业的人
  • book keepingn. 记帐,簿记
  • blacklegn. 骗子;罢工破坏者;[兽医] 黑腿病
  • biron. 圆珠笔的一种 vt. 用圆珠笔写 n. (Biro)人名;(意、葡、罗、塞、土、几、瑞典、英)比罗
  • beauticiann. 美容师
  • beadlen. 游行领队;教区执事;小吏 n. (Beadle)人名;(英)比德尔
  • bazarn. 市场;集市;义卖市场(等于 bazaar) n. (Bazar)人名;(英)巴扎;(西)巴萨尔;(俄、葡、法)巴扎尔
  • barracksn. 兵营,营房;(一片)简陋的大房子 v. 喝倒彩,起哄;为(士兵)提供营房(barrack 的第三人称单数形式)
  • banknoten. 钞票,纸币

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