
Associate in Business

Associate in Business网络翻译


... 工商业副学士 Associate in Business 工程学副学士 Associate in Engineering 信息科技副学士 Associate in Information Technology ...


...商学院,让您更全面了解商学院 iate of Arts, AA) 理学副学士(Associate of Science, AS) 商学副学士Associate in Business, AB) 应用科学副学士(Associate of Applied Science, AAS) 学士学位:..

Associate in Business常用短语

1. Associate Degree in Business:商业

2. Associate Degree in Business Ventures:在业务拓展的副学士

3. Associate Degree in International Business:国际贸易副学士学位

Associate in Business双语例句

If a server doesn't like you, he might try to embarrass you in front of your business associate or date by bringing your credit card back and saying, "do you have another card?"


It begins when he is searching for a gift to give a business associate and happens to discover a new shop in the marketplace.


See the next section, how can I use relationships?, to learn how to associate these markers with business objects in Process Server.

有关如何将这些标记与Process Server中的业务对象关联的信息,请参见下一部分如何使用关系。


  • investorn. 投资者,投资机构
  • inkwelln. 墨水池
  • illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
  • illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
  • botanistn. 植物学家
  • borrowern. 借款人,借方
  • bootblackn. 擦鞋童;以擦皮鞋为业的人
  • book keepingn. 记帐,簿记
  • blacklegn. 骗子;罢工破坏者;[兽医] 黑腿病
  • biron. 圆珠笔的一种 vt. 用圆珠笔写 n. (Biro)人名;(意、葡、罗、塞、土、几、瑞典、英)比罗
  • beauticiann. 美容师
  • beadlen. 游行领队;教区执事;小吏 n. (Beadle)人名;(英)比德尔
  • bazarn. 市场;集市;义卖市场(等于 bazaar) n. (Bazar)人名;(英)巴扎;(西)巴萨尔;(俄、葡、法)巴扎尔
  • barracksn. 兵营,营房;(一片)简陋的大房子 v. 喝倒彩,起哄;为(士兵)提供营房(barrack 的第三人称单数形式)
  • banknoten. 钞票,纸币

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